My Sisters Village, Inc.

1100 S. Mint Street Suite 104 Charlotte

My Sister’s Village (MSV) was born out of a compelling desire to help young women from marginalized backgrounds visualize and plot a path to personal success. Through the nonprofit Lynn seeks to help young women reach their potential whether they chose the path of higher education, entrepreneurship, trade school or if they seek another path. Through mentoring, life and career coaching, training, and scholarships (post-secondary and trade school) MSV seeks to be a beacon to young women who want and deserve more.


Our mission is to empower young women ages 16 – 25 from disadvantaged backgrounds to transition into adult independence and success.


Participant 1 - 23 year old Black woman interested in starting a digital retail business but not sure where to start. Through the program she registered her business with the state, set both short and longterm goals. During the program she connected with another participant a graphic designer who helped her design her logo and website. She also followed up with our finance expert who assisted her with setting up a proper bookeeping program.
Participant #2 - 28 year old Black male who has a vending business. He had one vending machine and was looking for help on how to grow his business. He was introduced to governent contracting through the program. He registered his business with both local and state procurment and was provided information on private business opportunities.

Our Impact (2022)

23 individuals served

4 training programs or workshops offered

1 funding partners

Use the icons to explore our impact metrics.


Expanding the number of entrepreneurs within a specific field or segment (i.e. training and coaching to create more entrepreneurs among high schoolers, more entrepreneurs in the tech industry, more entrepreneurs among women).

Removal of Barriers

Providing support to entrepreneurs to empower them and become more educated business owners (i.e. general business support, training in accessing procurement).

  • 23 Total number of individuals served

  • 8 Total number of new businesses started

  • 23 Total number of individual (1:1) technical assistance sessions conducted

  • 40 Total number of hours spent providing technical assistance

Type of Organization

  • Nonprofit Organization

Locations Served

  • North Carolina

Key Programs and Initiatives

  • Entrepreneurship 101

Types of Offerings

  • Advisory/Consulting Services
  • Certification assistance
  • Cohort Training Programs
  • Entrepreneurial Training
  • Mentoring/coaching
  • Workshops

Program Delivery

  • Hybrid (in person/virtual)

Members of the Black Community Served

  • Women
  • Youth
  • Veterans

Locations of Members of the Black Community Served

  • Low to moderate income areas
  • Low-income areas
  • Urban areas

Targeted Entrepreneur Segments

  • Wholesale & Retail Trade
  • Transportation & Logistics
  • Arts
  • Entertainment

Business Stage

  • Start Up : a young business that is just beginning to develop and determine a market fit.

Cost of Programs

  • Free