Tapestry 2.0: The Trust Gap
AEO follows-up the success of the original report with a new study that is focused on identifying strategies to address one of the key barriers to Black busi...
November 29, 2022
Contracting for Equity: Best Local Government Practices that Advance Racial Equity in Government Contracting and Procurement
This report investigates best local government practices in inclusive contracting to increase access by businesses owned by people of color and women to gove...
May 27, 2021
The Economic Impact of U.S. Microbusinesses
This article explores entrepreneurship as the engine behind innovation, productivity and job creation. Finding that "more Americans are becoming entrepreneur...
October 8, 2020
Steep Climb to Economic Opportunity for Vulnerable Families
This report summarizes the key findings of the 2016 Assets & Opportunity Scorecard as it relates to the racial wealth divide. The Scorecard's five issue area...
July 29, 2020
The Return of Business Creation
This article explores entrepreneurship as the engine behind innovation, productivity and job creation. Finding that "more Americans are becoming entrepreneur...
July 27, 2020
Unstacking the Deck: Toward Financial Resilience for African-American Entrepreneurs in the South
This field scan explores the creation of solutions to help financially vulnerable African American entrepreneurs to achieve positive financial health as busi...
May 5, 2020
Out of Prison, but Shackled in Debt
In this Prosperity Now article, the authors explain the long term financial impact of incarceration. High amounts of fees, fines and other deb create impossi...
May 4, 2020
Lessons from SEED – a National Demonstration of Child Development Accounts
Saving for Education, Entrepreneurship, and a Down payment (SEED) provides summary report based on Child Development Accounts to better understand key lesson...
May 4, 2020
In Search of Solid Ground: Understanding the Financial Vulnerabilities of Microbusiness Owners
Prosperity Now initiated a study in 2013 to better understand the greatest challenges and solutions that impact small business owners. This report explores t...
May 4, 2020
Forced to Walk a Dangerous Line – Consequences of Debt in Black Communities
For millions of Americans, debt controls access to wealth-building opportunities. This report explores the influence of debt on the racial wealth divide espe...
May 4, 2020
African American Financial Capability Initiative: An Implementation Blueprint
This blueprint emphasizes income disparity and wealth inequality for African Americans that transfers to multi-generational poverty. It's implementation guid...
May 4, 2020
Getting Big Impact from Big Data
This article focuses on the transformation and potential challenges that can occur when new technology is adopted into businesses. Data analytics provide eff...
May 4, 2020
The Economic Impact of Closing the Racial Wealth Gap
This report is the first of a series of publications on the racial wealth gap and how to better close it. Many areas of interest include repairing Black empl...
May 4, 2020
Start Us Up: America’s New Business Plan
America's New Business Plan explores the importance of entrepreneurs in the growth of the US economy. This guide provides a four-part entrepreneurship plan t...
May 4, 2020
Demographic Trends Will Shape the Future of Entrepreneurship
This report investigates how changing demographic trends such as retirement age and the highly educated young worker replacements will alter the American eco...
May 4, 2020
Bend, Don”t Break: Small Business Financial Resilience After Hurricanes Harvey and Irma
This report dials-in on the financial resilience of small businesses after natural disasters, specifically Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. By drawing from the JP...
April 23, 2020
Three-in-Ten U.S. Jobs are Held by the Self-Employed and the Workers They Hire
Using the U.S. Census Bureau data, this report estimates the number of self-employed payrolls and how the job creation varies depending on the self-employed ...
April 23, 2020
Opportunity Since 1970: A Historical Report
This publication serves as a historical opportunity index that explores opportunity, access income inequality, and barrier factors in obtaining the true Amer...
April 23, 2020
One in Seven: Ranking Youth Disconnection in the 25 Largest Metro Areas
This publication explores the reality of disconnected youth and solutions to increase youth connection at home and abroad. Disconnected youth are young peopl...
April 23, 2020
An Economy for All: How Philanthropy Can Unlock Capital for Women Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs of Color through Inclusive Investing
This report describes the restriction of access to investment capital to capital markets for women and people of color. This lack of access further decreases...
April 23, 2020
Gender, Age, and Small Business Financial Outcomes
This publication explores the contributions of small businesses and differences in outcomes by owner age and gender. The report focuses wealth insights on fi...
April 23, 2020
Cash is King: Flows, Balances, and Buffer Days
This report on the small business sector explores the financial well-being of 600,000 small businesses. The analysis finds that most small businesses do not ...
April 23, 2020
Use of Digital Tools by Black and Latino Businesses
In today's most successful business, innovation through data processing software, apps, mobile-friendly websites and social media presence are found. This re...
April 23, 2020
Big Impact of Small Businesses on Urban Job Creation: Evidence from Five Cities
This report explores data about jobs by businesses with less than 250 employees in Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. The work also e...
April 23, 2020
State of Small Business Lending: Innovation and Technology and the Implications fro Regulation
This paper explores the evolution of a new online lending marketplace and differentiates the winners and losers with such an evolution. A detailed regulatory...
April 23, 2020
State of Small Business Lending: Credit Access During the Recovery and How Technology May Change the Game
This paper explores the evolution of a new online lending marketplace and differentiates the winners and losers with such an evolution. A detailed regulatory...
April 23, 2020
Collective Impact for Opportunity Youth
Opportunity Youth are youth ages 16-24 who are neither enrolled in school or participating in the workforce. This report serves as a framework to better help...
April 23, 2020
Creating Viral Impact in Black Communities through Small Business Expansion
This report highlights opportunities for growth in Black-owned small business expansions. It emphasizes the nation's need to address broken economies in low ...
April 23, 2020
Debt Divide: The Racial and Class Bias Behind the ‘New Normal’ of Student Borrowing
This report explores the inequality of student debt by both race and class. It investigates the driving factor behind rising undergraduate loan debt and emph...
April 23, 2020
Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap
This paper explores popular explanations for the racial wealth gap and their data driven legitimacy in wealth talk in the US. Researching historic injustices...
April 23, 2020
Achieving Credit Strength: A Toolkit for Supporting Returning Citizen Entrepreneurs
This toolkit provides steps in improving credit strength to better help clients rebuild their life after returning from incarceration into the workforce. Man...
April 23, 2020
Our Youth, Our Economy, Our Future: A Road Map for Investing in the Nation”s Talent Pipeline
This publication explores the youth employment crisis, it's causes, impacts and solutions. The economic future of the country depends on the education and em...
April 23, 2020
Key Soft Skills That Foster Youth Workforce Success Towards a Consensus Across Fields
Soft skills are defined as competencies, behaviors and personal attitudes to enable environments with other people as well as goal achieving. This publicatio...
April 23, 2020
Policy Agenda for Closing the Racial Wealth Gap
This publication and data graphic explore the necessarily methods to closing the racial wealth gap. The guide provides short, intermediate and long term goal...
April 23, 2020
Color of Entrepreneurship: Why the Racial Gap among Firms Costs the US Billions
This report emphasizes the important role of businesses owned by people of color in restoring financial health post-Great Recession. This report documents ch...
April 23, 2020
Beyond Broke: Why Closing the Racial Wealth Gap is a Priority for National Economic Security
This report explores the gap within the racial wealth gap through the exploration of liquid wealth. It analyzes how to better diversity wealth, especially in...
April 23, 2020
Criminal Justice Debt – A Toolkit for Action
This toolkit provides an overview of criminal justice debt, who it impacts the most and constitutional violations. The report recommends reforms such as cond...
April 23, 2020
Criminal Justice Debt: A Barrier for Reentry
This report analyzes 15 states with the highest prison populations and the effects of "user fees" on individual with criminal convictions. The analysis consi...
April 23, 2020
Charging Inmates Perpetuates Mass Incarceration
This report explores how current practice of charging inmates perpetuates mass incarceration, provides the history of inmate fees and recommends policy repla...
April 23, 2020
Racial Wealth Gap: Narrowing the Racial Wealth Gap through Business Ownership
This brief explores the racial wealth gap as it relates to Black and Latino business owners. It also investigates Native American business ownership and chal...
April 23, 2020
Health and Wealth Connection
Due to the evidence of financial, physical and mental health links, this publications explores the latest research and philanthropy around building wealth as...
April 23, 2020
European Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan Report
This report provides details about the European Entrepreneurship 2020 Action plan developed to reignite the entrepreneurial spirit to create entrepreneurial ...
April 22, 2020
Workplace Wellness for Small Business
This article explores the important role of workplace wellness in small businesses. Workplace wellness and preventative care provide programs such as educati...
April 22, 2020
My Brother’s Keeper Task Foce: One Year Progress Report to the President
The "My Brother's Keeper" (MBK) initiative presented by President Barack Obama was committed to closing opportunity gaps faced by young people, particularly ...
April 22, 2020
Country’s Last Black-Owned Banks are in a Fight for their Survival
This article emphasizes the majority of black-owned banks that struggled to hold on during economic downturns for years. The author explores competition, inc...
April 22, 2020
Economics of Investing in Opportunity Youth
This publication investigates the patterns, perspectives and policies associated with the economic impact of Opportunity Youth in the U.S. The report provide...
April 22, 2020
Minority Business Ownership: Data from the 2012 Survey of Business Owners
This brief analyzes the 2012 Survey of Business Owners to provide a examination of minority groups in employment, sales and business performance. Key finding...
April 22, 2020
Longitudinal Analysis of Early Self-Employment in NLSYs
This publication explores the United States self-employment workforce and patterns of self-employment workers. The analysis provides demographic characterist...
April 22, 2020
Credit Scores and Credit Market Outcomes
This report summarizes data provided by the SSBF and KSF to provide information about the business credit scoring effect on Women-owned and minority-owned bu...
April 22, 2020
Community Advantage Program Analysis
This analysis explores the Community Advantage pilot which aimed to increase loans to underserved communities. The pilot is scheduled to expire in 2020.
... April 22, 2020
Access to Capital among Young Firms, Minority-owned, Women-owned, and High-tech owned
This report inspects access to capital for young firms while specializing in women and minority owned firms in the high tech industry particularly during fin...
April 22, 2020
Disparities in Capital Access between Minority and Non-Minority-owned Businesses
This report emphasizes the important contribution of minority business enterprises (MBEs) to the US economy. The analysis emphasizes inadequate access to fin...
April 22, 2020
Pathways for Youth Employment – Federal Resources for Employers
In conjunction with President Obama's My Brother's Keeper Initiative, this Pathways for Youth Employment guide provides a resource for employers to increase ...
April 22, 2020
Black White Gap in Self-Employment in US
This paper explores the Black-White self-employment gap by looking at evidence of Black-White gap in self employment, race differences in Black-White self em...
April 22, 2020
Black and White: Access to Capital among Minority-Owned Startups
Using the Kauggman Firm Survey, this paper analyzes the important question if ethnic minorities have adequate access to financial capital to further expand b...
April 22, 2020
Why So Few Young People Start Businesses
This article explores the low rates of young people entrepreneurs. Key findings include entrepreneurship interest increases with age, young people don't have...
April 22, 2020
Evaluating Technical Assistance and Economic Opportunity Outcomes of the Community Advantage Pilot Program
The Community Advantage program of the Office of Capital Access provides small dollar loans to low-income entrepreneurs who need capital. This report explore...
April 22, 2020
Tackling the Gender Gap
The Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship created this report to better understand the reasons for the gender gap while examining the financi...
April 22, 2020
Crossing the Employer Threshold: Determinants of Firms Hiring Their First Employee
This report explores the impact of job creation by small business on full economic recovery. The analysis emphasizes the lack of relationship between decisio...
April 22, 2020
Race, Wealth and Incarceration
Examining data from a 1979 cohort, this study analysis examines the race and wealth status before and after incarceration. Data indicate that Blacks at every...
April 22, 2020
Youth Entrepreneurship in Europe
This publication explores youth entrepreneurship in Europe. The paper examines common characteristics, work values and business profile of young European ent...
April 22, 2020
Forging Equitable Communities
This article looks at the conditions and underlying causes of racism and racial equity and proposes that solutions to overcome racism cannot be a one size fi...
April 22, 2020
Social Benefits of Homeownership and Stable Housing
As research has consistently shown the importance of housing on the economy and long-term financial stability, this report explores that existing research an...
April 22, 2020
Culture, Collaboration and Capital
This guide provides a toolkit for promoting equal treatment and emphasizes the benefit of diversifying contractors and opening the procurement process. The r...
April 22, 2020
Impact of Gender and Social Networks on Microenterprise Business Performance
This report analyzes the relationships of gender, social network stability and microbusiness performance. The publication emphasizes past research and identi...
April 22, 2020
Myths, Exaggerations & Uncomfortable Truths
This publication explores the fundamental distinction between millennials and their older employee counterparts and how millennials influence the workplace. ...
April 22, 2020
Leap Before You Lag
IBM Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Affairs provides an analysis of the nonprofit sector and the value of collecting and sharing information. The publica...
April 22, 2020
Pathways to Prosperity
This study report explores the pathway to better preparing America's youth for employment preparation. With the increasing rate of jobs that require higher e...
April 22, 2020
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor-2015 US Report
The US Global Entrepreneurship Monitor is to provide the workforce with a better understanding of entrepreneurship. This report explores the finding from the...
April 22, 2020
Building a Skilled Workforce for a Stronger Southern Economy
For states built for low-skilled industries, the global shift an competition creates jobs that requires training beyond high school. Southern states now do n...
April 21, 2020
Fintech Lending: Financial Inclusion, Risk Pricing, and Alternative Information
This paper explores fintech lending through financial inclusion, risk pricing and alternative information. The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages o...
April 21, 2020
Small Business Credit Survey: Report on Women-Owned Firms
This report explores the experiences and challenges of women-owned small businesses. Data indicate that women-owned firms start with less capital and raise l...
April 21, 2020
Harvesting Opportunity
This publication explores regional food system investments. The report analyzes local food demand and equity, the perils of unused capacity and what the past...
April 21, 2020
Political Economy of Education, Financial Literacy, and the Racial Wealth Gap
The article consists of examinations of political discourse around the racial wealth gap. Included in that exploration is discussion of the impact of individ...
April 21, 2020
Economic Mobility Research and Ideas of Strengthening Families Communities and the Economy
This publication explores the impact of economic mobility as the center to the American economy. The status of economic mobility, how it differs across the p...
April 21, 2020
Color of Wealth in Los Angeles
This report explores the findings of the National Asset Scorecard for Communities of Color (NASCC) survey reveals wealth disparities among racial groups in L...
April 21, 2020
Black Women Business Startups
This report summarizes a study of 34 black women business owners by the Federal Reserve of Kansas City. Key findings include that growth of the rate of busin...
April 21, 2020
Closing the Digital Divide
This publication provides financial institutions a road map for best practices in the use and investment in broadband as a crucial part of community developm...
April 21, 2020
Microbusinesses in the United States – Characteristic and Sector Participation
This report explores the comparison of microbusinesses to non-microbusinesses and specific characteristics of female-owned microbusinesses as well as minorit...
April 21, 2020
Entrepreneurship in China – An Overview
This publication presents a broad overview of entrepreneurship in China. This report explores examination of entrepreneurial firms, attributes and challenges...
April 21, 2020
Minority Entrepreneurship
This analysis of minority entrepreneurship explores opportunity structures, capital networks and impeding barriers that have slowed the minority entrepreneur...
April 21, 2020
Three Myths about Peer-to-Peer Loans
This Economic Commentary publication investigates Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Loans as they relate to P2P borrowers, their credit behavior and their credit scores. Th...
April 21, 2020
What is the Economic Impact of the Slowdown in New Business Formation
This article examines the slowdown of new business formation and it's economic impact. The authors believe the engine of growth lies in the opening of new fi...
April 21, 2020
Black-White Differences in Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the US
This study uses different data sets to better understand racial economic status gap between blacks and whites through an intergenerational perspective. This ...
April 21, 2020
Color of Wealth in Boston
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's analysis of the wealth gap emphasizes the inequality of wealth accumulation based on race. The report findings stress the de...
April 21, 2020
Identifying Opportunity Occupations in the Nation’s Largest Metropolitan Economies
This paper explores the likelihood of workers without a four-year college degree being offered decent-paying jobs in the 100 largest metropolitan areas. Key ...
April 21, 2020
Small Business Credit Survey – Report on Minority Owned Firms 2019
This annual report on the Small Business Credit Survey explores financing and challenges that face minority-owned firms. Small business ownership and entrepr...
April 21, 2020
FDIC Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Household 2013
This report explores the necessity of inclusiveness of the banking system. Many US families do not have a mainstream banking relationship which sets them up ...
April 21, 2020
European Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan – Public Consultation
This report summarized the consultation on the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action plan. This consultation focuses in on promoting the spirit of entrepreneurship in...
April 21, 2020
Income and Poverty in the U.S. 2016
Using the U.S. Census data, this publication investigates United States household incomes as they relate to race, gender and generational poverty. Key findin...
April 21, 2020
Key Dimensions of the Small Business Lending
This report investigates the impact of women-owned and minority-owned small businesses on local communities and barriers they face in accessing credit.
... April 21, 2020
US Counties with Thriving Small Businesses Have Healthier Residents
U.S. counties and parishes with a greater concentration of small, locally-owned businesses have healthier populations — with lower rates of mortality, obes...
April 21, 2020
Small Business Owner Report 2016
This semi-annual report explores the challenges, successes and perspectives of small business owners across the country. This report looks closely at the rol...
April 21, 2020
State of Small Business in America
This report explores the impact of small business growth and job creation in America. This report examines challenges such as access to capital, workforce sk...
April 21, 2020
Court Fees and Fines are Hurting Low-Income Families in Alabama
This blog emphasizes the impact of court system fees, fines and restitution on lower-income communities including people of color. The article explores how c...
April 21, 2020
Microbusinesses in Georgia – Characteristics and Economic Impact
This study analysis uses the Survey of Business Owners by the U.S. Census Bureau to investigate microbusiness impact of the economy of Georgia as well as the...
April 14, 2020